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Health Insurance Deductible

Health Insurance Deductible

Choice of health insurance deductible: is it better to save on the premium with a high Lamal deductible or have a minimum deductible to avoid surprises? It is not easy to answer this question, because in reality there is no single answer...Raising the deductible from 300 Chf at 2,500 Chf I can immediately save on my policy premium. At the same time, I will have to pay for each service until the deductible amount is reached. An example calculation is easily done: let's imagine we are a person in good health, who spends on average 500 chf a year on medicines and visits and with a premium of 315 CHF per month with the highest deductible: 315 Chf X 12 months = 3,780 Chf per year. 3,782 Chf 500 Chf (expense paid by me) = 4,280 Chf (total cost in one year) If instead I had opted for the 300 Chf deductible, I would have had a monthly premium of approximately 435 Chf: 435 Chf X 12 months = 5,220 Chf per year5 .220 Chf 320 Chf (expenses paid by me) = 5,440 (total cost in one year including co-payment) The result is therefore that by choosing the highest deductible I have an annual saving of 1,160 Chf. It is therefore clear that the best choice is strictly personal, depending on your state of health and needs. Because if we had assumed an annual health expenditure of CHF 2,000, the best option would have been the minimum deductible... Without forgetting that there is also the possibility of taking out capital insurance, ideal for those who have opted for the maximum deductible, which serves to cover any hospital admission costs. It can cost less than 20Chf and covers the high costs of prolonged hospitalization. (Exactly, in the event of hospitalization exceeding 24 hours, 2,500 Chf is paid to the insured).

Questions about the deductible:

Choosing the right deductibleIf you review your health insurance every year and adapt it to your current situation, you can save significant healthcare costs. Lawmakers allow health insurers in Switzerland to choose how to share the cost of their healthcare. If someone chooses the lower deductible of CHF 300, the monthly premium they have to pay to their health insurance is correspondingly high. In the case of an average deductible (CHF 500, 1000 or 1500), the insurance premium is approximately in the middle. On the other hand, those who choose the highest possible deductible of CHF 2,000 or CHF 2,500 pay a relatively low monthly insurance premium. The differences are considerable depending on the health insurance company and the place of residence of the insured person and can amount to more than one hundred francs per month. The decisive factor for choosing the right deductible is the amount of expected costs for doctors and drugs. In addition to the deductible, there is also a co-payment. All insured persons must pay for it, regardless of the amount of the deductible or the insurance model chosen. The co-payment amounts to 10% of costs exceeding the deductible, up to a maximum of CHF 700 per year. With most insurance companies, it is worth switching to the normal deductible of CHF 300 if you spend more than CHF 1,700 per year. year for your health, as we saw in the example at the top of the page. However, the savings potential can only be calculated individually because the discounts for a higher deductible are not the same for every company. For some, the maximum discount has already been reached with an annual deductible of CHF 2,000. Insured people with chronic ailments and regular visits to the doctor often choose the lowest annual deductible. Policyholders who feel healthy and rarely see a doctor are optimized with the maximum annual deductible. However, anyone who chooses a high deductible must be able to financially shell out several thousand francs for a medical emergency. In the case of a hospital stay between December and January, the deductible and co-payment are due twice, since it is an annual deductible. The resulting cost, with the higher deductible, is CHF 6,400 per person, i.e. CHF 2,500 twice for the deductible and CHF 700 twice for co-payment...For this reason, and not have unpleasant surprises, it is better to contact those like us who carefully study your case, your needs, your needs in order to offer you the best solution both in terms of savings on the premium and in terms of complementary services.
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