Check Health Insurance



Lamal is the acronym for health insurance law and is compulsory. Its benefits are identical for all health insurance companies, even if the premiums change from one to another. The choice of the deductible is personal, and ranges from a minimum of 300 Chf up to a maximum of 2,500 Chf. The higher the deductible, the lower the premium to pay. The benefits covered by Lamal, in principle, are as follows: (For everything else, if you want to be covered, you must take out supplementary LCA insurance).---- -------------------Services covered by Lamal: Treatment provided by a doctor is generally covered. Before a visit or treatment, the attending physician should inform the patient whether the compulsory health insurance covers the requested service. Some alternative medicine treatments are also covered, such as acupuncture, classical homeopathic medicine, phytotherapy, traditional Chinese (TCM medicinal therapy), anthroposophic medicine..., if provided by a recognized doctor. Hospitalization costs are reimbursed (deducting the deductible and co-payment and you are free to choose from the hospitals listed in the Canton of residence: Basic insurance covers the costs of all medications prescribed by a doctor as long as they are included in the so-called "specialty list". Basic insurance also reimburses the costs of any preventive measures such as certain vaccinations. Furthermore: (some examples) - Preventive gynecological examinations (including smear): one every three years. - Mammography for early detection of breast cancer. - During pregnancy, basic insurance reimburses the costs of seven routine examinations at a doctor or midwife and two ultrasound checks (one between the twelfth and fourteenth week and another between the twentieth and twenty-third week); in case of a high-risk pregnancy, all the necessary exams and ultrasound checks; - Preparation for childbirth. Basic insurance pays a contribution of 150 francs for participation in a childbirth preparation course. - Childbirth: Compulsory health care insurance (AOMS) covers the costs of childbirth at home, in a hospital or in a home for women giving birth provided that the last two establishments appear in a hospital list of the Canton. - A postpartum check-up carried out by a doctor or midwife between the sixth and tenth week after giving birth. - a maximum of three breastfeeding consultations by midwives, midwives' organizations or specially trained nursing staff .- Physiotherapy sessions if prescribed by the doctor and performed by an authorized physiotherapist for a maximum of nine sessions. - 180 francs per year for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age for the purchase of glasses or contact lenses on prescription from an ophthalmologist. - Spa treatments prescribed by a doctor and carried out in an authorized spa are reimbursed 10 francs per day for a maximum of 21 days per year. - Ambulance: 50% of the costs, maximum 500 francs per year. - Rescue in Switzerland of people whose lives are in danger, 50% maximum 5000 francs per year. - Treatment needed abroad in an EU or EFTA country. NB: this list is not exhaustive. For more detailed information, consult the website of the Federal Office of Public Health:

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