Would you like to have your entire insurance coverage checked? Are you thinking of changing your health insurance? Whatever your concerns: we will advise you competently on all insurance matters. Our independence allows us to combine all insurance products available on the Swiss market and put together an insurance package tailored to you. You do not enter into any contractual or financial obligation with us, as our advice is completely free. In addition to personal advice, you can benefit from our numerous online services at any time: calculate insurance premiums with the click of a mouse, fill out and send electronic forms, compare services, work out your family budget or find answers to your questions. Terminology in the world of health insurance: General insurance conditions: The general insurance conditions are part of the insurance contract for supplementary insurance. This also regulates benefits, etc. Alternative Medicine: Alternative and complementary medicine includes treatments and therapies that are not considered conventional medicine. They are offered by doctors or naturopaths. Outpatient treatment: These are treatments at a clinic, in an insured doctor's office or at home. The patient does not remain in care/treatment overnight. Registration obligation: Health insurance companies are obliged to include any insurable person residing in their sector without restrictions (no health checks) in the basic insurance (KVG). International protection: Treatments and therapies abroad and repatriation to Switzerland are not fully covered in part of the basic insurance. If necessary, you need appropriate supplementary insurance or holiday and travel insurance for a limited period. The Bonus model: In the bonus model a reduction in the premium is granted if certain benefits are not used during the year. The maximum bonus is obtained after five years of inactivity. If you receive benefits, the bonus level will be reduced the following year. However, the initial premium is higher than normal basic insurance and the insured person is tied to a health insurance company for a certain contract period. Deductible: It is the sharing of costs for the insured. The insured person must pay a fixed contribution to the total cost of treatment and medicines every year. There is no minimum deductible for children. Instead it is CHF 300 for young people and adults. The health insurance company only participates if the costs exceed the deductible (10% is still paid by the insured, see also under the keyword: deductible). No deductible is charged for maternity if there are no complications. The following deductibles are available for young people and adults: CHF 300, 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000 and 2,500. Flex Model: This is an opportunity that is offered in hospital insurance by some health insurance companies. Basically, the insured is covered for the whole of Switzerland. For hospital admissions, however, the semi-private or private ward can be selected upon entry to the hospital. In these cases, a fixed deductible is due. Family discount: Some insurance companies grant health insurance discounts for families who take out supplementary insurance, especially for large families. Generic drugs: Generic drugs are copies of original drugs. They are significantly cheaper. Basic insurance (LAMAL): Basic insurance is mandatory for all persons resident in Switzerland (since 01/01/1996). The benefits of compulsory health insurance are identical for all health insurance companies. Premiums differ depending on your place of residence and age. Health problems: As far as Lamal is concerned, every health insurance company must accept the person without exclusions resulting from health problems. In the case of supplementary insurance, health insurance companies require the completion of a health questionnaire. The health insurance company can make reserves for supplementary insurance or refuse someone entirely. Family doctor model: With this model the insured agrees to consult his family doctor first, except in urgent cases. The insured person receives a premium reduction for this. HMO: With this model, the insured person always undertakes to consult the chosen HMO structure first (available only in some locations in Switzerland), except in cases of emergency. HMO stands for Health Maintenance Organization. HMOs are group practices of general practitioners and specialists, as well as therapists from various disciplines. This limitation in the choice of doctor gives the insured person a reduction in the premium. Semi-private ward: This supplementary hospital insurance, the insured person is entitled to a double room and the free choice of doctor in the hospital. Private ward: With this supplementary hospital insurance, the insured person is entitled to a single room and the free choice of doctor in the hospital. Waiting Period: When changing health insurance or new contracts with a health insurance company, there are some waiting periods for certain benefits; This means that certain supplementary insurance benefits are not paid for a certain period of time. This is mainly the case with maternity or dental insurance. There is no waiting period for basic insurance. Cost sharing: The insured must bear a part of the treatment costs (doctor, hospital, drugs, etc.). This is done through deductible and co-payment. Illness: Illness is any impairment to physical or mental health, which is not the result of an accident and which requires medical examinations and treatment or causes inability to work. Collective discounts: Discounts may be granted for supplementary insurance. For example, there are collective agreements for employers, associations, etc. Maternity: Maternity includes the entire period during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as the mother's subsequent recovery period. Premium: The premium is the price of health insurance. It covers payments to the insured, administrative costs and also serves to create reserves for health insurance companies. Premium reduction: Insured persons with low incomes (depending on the canton of residence) receive a reduction in the insurance premium. For further information, you can visit the dedicated page. List of specialties: This is the list of drugs that are covered by compulsory basic insurance. Complementary Hospital: Optional insurance for extended services in relation to hospital admissions. Without a hospital, for example, you cannot choose a hospital outside your canton of residence. Pregnancy: The costs of maternity services, i.e. check-ups during pregnancy, including ultrasound examinations, post-birth, birth and midwife examinations, antenatal courses and breastfeeding advice do not apply in any case. Furthermore, women from the 13th week of pregnancy and up to eight weeks after birth no longer have to share the costs of general benefits and care services in the event of illness. It is no longer necessary to pay the costs of treating diseases that occur independently of pregnancy. Injury: Injury is the sudden and unintentional harmful effect of an extraordinary external factor on the human body, with consequences on physical or mental health. Insured: Every person domiciled in Switzerland (there are some exceptions) must be insured within three months of applying for residency or birth. Reservations: Reservations are limitations on supplemental insurance coverage due to the health status of the insured. Reserves cannot exist for compulsory basic insurance (LAMAL).