Check Health Insurance



GENERAL CONDITIONS OF ACCESS TO THE “Refound” OFFERThe “Refound” offer is in principle based on a health insurance policy, but further possible savings for the customer can be considered in this offer. - The offer is addressed without distinction to ALL our potential future customers, who meet the following requirements: They must be adults (one offer for each adult member of the same family). Therefore even more than one voucher per family. Potential customers = currently insured with an AOC LCA health insurance policy, with expiries NOT exceeding 2 years from the date of our meeting. The bonus contemplated in the offer will be paid exclusively via bank transfer/ post to the customer, at the time of acceptance of the offer signed by the company, from Cartogiochi SA of Morbio Inferiore. The right accrued to the bonus occurs when the submitted proposal fails to optimize costs (compared to the current year - FOPH adjustments not calculable), for at least the same amount per year per person. Questions about the rules:

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